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Microblanding is a form of semi-permanent tattooing that involves using tiny, fine-point needles where through manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin we create the desired fullness and shape of the eyebrows. The effects last up to 12 months after which the pigment fades leaving the skin and your natural brows exactly as they were. The Pigments used are chosen to match the natural or desired brow color and skin tone will also be taken into consideration. We highly recommend consultations be done in-person in our Boston beauty lab so we can inspect your skin up close.

Microblading in Peabody, MA

Microblading in Peabody, MA

Microblading in Peabody, Massachusetts by Valspa Beauty & Aesthetics
Microbladding in Peabody, MA Microbladding in Microblading in 01960
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