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Eligible Based on Individual Cases

Individuals with a dark pre-existing eyebrow tattoo or permanent makeup

The tattoo or permanent makeup must be light enough for us to draw hair strokes. We ask anyone with a previous eyebrow tattoo to send us an email to valspabeauty@gmail.com with a picture of their eyebrows with no makeup on, so we can evaluate.

Individuals who are allergic to lidocaine or epinephrine
Our most used anesthetic is lidocaine and epinephrine so if you are allergic to it, we will not be able to use it during the procedure; however, you will still have an option to proceed but without a numbing agent to reduce the pain.

Individuals with oily skin
Those with very oily skin are ineligible for microblading. Powder brows are recommended for this skin type. Those with less oily or combination skin, may consider a combination of microblading and powder effect, known as combo brows. We have a blog all about microblading solutions for oily skin, if this applies to you. Our Master Artist will ultimately decide if they can perform microblading on your skin.

Individuals that are prone to cold sore
If you are prone to cold sores, lip blushing may result in an outbreak and cause loss of pigment. You must start taking antiviral medication, prescribed by your doctor and NOT over the counter, 48 hours prior to treatment to prevent an outbreak.

Individuals with a dark lips or prone to hyperpigmentation
In some cases we can not work over dark lips or people prone to hyperpigmentation. Due to the hyper pigmentation getting darker. We ask anyone with dark lips or prone to hyperpigmentation to send us an email with a picture of their bare lips and surrounding area of their lips with no makeup on, so we can evaluate.

Individuals with sun damaged skin
It can results in poor retention of pigment.

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