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Ineligible Without Exception

Individuals under 18 years of age

We cannot Microblade anyone under 18 years of age, even with parental consent.

Women who are pregnant or nursing
As the body is going through hormonal changes, it is more prone to infections. Your skin may change and results can be unpredictable.

It is unsafe to undergo treatment in case of a seizure.

Individuals with Pacemaker or major heart problems
We use epinephrine, as a numbing agent, that can increase your heart rate possible causing dysrhythmias.

Individuals with viral infections and/or diseases
The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system.

Individuals with Lupus
The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system.

Individuals who have undergone Organ Transplant
The risk of developing an infection is higher in people with compromised immune system.

Individuals with any kind of skin condition on or near the treatment area
Eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis or any one of these skin conditions may compromise the surface and texture of the skin. Procedure performed on skin with these type of condition may have sub par results.

Individuals who are allergic to metal and colour
We use small needles and pigments that can contain some metals and colorant, so allergy can be a show stopper.

Individuals prone to keloids
Since permanent makeup punctures the skin, there is always a risk for people that are prone to keloids to heal with keloids scaring.

Individuals who used Accutane
Accutane alters the skin and makes it thin, dry, and sensitive. It also weakens your immune system. For those reasons you’ll need to one year after your Accutane treatment is completed and your skin is back to its normal state.

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