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Eligible With Doctor Clearance and Note

Individuals undergoing chemotherapy
Although permanent makeup is great for enhancing your look, we require a doctor’s note in order to perform the procedure for anyone undergoing chemotherapy. Once you’re cleared from your oncologist we can book your appointment. Permanent makeup is a great solution for cancer survivors.

Individuals with Diabetes
It is important that your condition is stable and under control. Please consult with your physician and provide us with a doctor’s note.

Individuals with Thyroid Condition
The color of your brows can fade faster when taken with certain thyroid medications.

Individuals with Glaucoma
The risk of developing an eye infection is higher.

Individuals with High Blood Pressure
Your blood pressure has to be at a stable condition. You may have slightly greater bleeding than the norm. Excessive bleeding during the procedure can dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

Individuals that have any uncertainty regarding their pre-existing conditions, or are under the supervision of a physician, please consult with your doctor before booking an appointment and provide us with a doctor’s note.

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